curriculum map spring 2017

Class: Year 2M Mrs McCormick Year: 2016 - 2017

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Welcome back to the new school year. We hope this information will help support your child and give them a positive start to the new term.

Religious Education

During this term we will be looking at: Books; Thanksgiving and Opportunities. Now that we have established the Collective Worship planning, this term we will give the children the opportunity to plan at home. Your child will then have the opportunity to lead this act of worship the following day. Please keep an eye out for our letter that will give you more information and dates.


As part of the new curriculum it is expected that children know their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. We worked on these last term and children should now be fluent with the knowledge of their tables. Last term we explored how to work out addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations. Along with this we focused on fractions and constantly recapped over place value. This term we will develop that further by including more word problems and open ended tasks. We will also explore measure, time and money.

Remember, some of the ways in which we teach may be different from what you did in school so if you are ever unsure or would like to discuss any of the methods please feel free to come and see us after school, we always happy to help.

Date for your diary: We will have a year two maths workshop in the hall for parents on Friday 20th January. This will give you the opportunity to see how your children are taught and will give plenty of ideas for games and activities you could complete at home.

Remember you can help your child at home by constantly bringing maths alive and questioning; also by helping them recognise numbers, shapes and mathematical data in the environment around them.


Writing: This term, we will continue to develop our writing and move onto using our joins. As always, we are focusing on using a range of punctuation within our writing. We will be using; Classic Poetry such as The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear, Here Come the Aliens by Colin McNaughton and exploring non Chronological reports as we look at Neil Armstrong (Linking with our History). After half term we will Look at Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole (History Link) then move onto Traditional tales and tales from other cultures.

Reading: When reading with your child it would be a great help if you could stop and ask questions throughout and at the end.




During this term we will explore the topic, ‘Materials.’ We will complete this as a science week making the use of microscopes and practical investigations. After half term we will look at Animals including humans.’


PE will take place every Wednesday with year 2 and we will cover gymnastics in the hall. Our second session will take place on a Friday and that will be games outside. As the cold weather creeps in please remember the children can bring in tracksuit bottoms and trainers.


For History the children will be looking at Lives of significant individuals- national/ international achievements e.g. Neil Armstrong.


We use a scheme called Charanga.  

Design and Technology

The children will have the opportunity to design and make their own hand puppets. From this they will work in groups to retell the Easter story.


Each week the children will have a chance to use a range of technology such as: Ipads and Laptops. Children will research significant people such as Neil Armstrong, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, linking with their history/English topic.


In Art the children will look at a range of different skills using a variety of materials. To link in with our Science topic, children will have the opportunity to create art from natural materials, inspired by the work of Anthony Gormley.

General Information:

Please make sure your child’s book bag is brought into school every day so the children can put any letters, work, reading book or homework safely inside them.

Please continue to hear your child read at home on a daily basis (only 10-15 minutes, you don’t have to read the whole book in one day). Reading at home has a huge impact and truly does make a difference in your child’s progress.

-Reading books will be changed once a week.

-Homework This term children will receive writing and maths homework in a file. As I am aware many parents work shifts or children attend out of school clubs this file will be given out at the beginning of every half term for you to work through when the time fits around your busy schedules. Once your child has completed a sheet they can put it in our homework tray in class.

Can I also remind you to put your child’s name in all clothes, shoes and bags.

Friday afternoon 2-3 pm your child will have golden time if they have earned it all week for things such as good behaviour, excellent work, trying hard, being kind and helpful etc. On this day your child can bring in a toy from home - no electrical, expensive or valuable toys please.

*Volunteers needed*

We are looking for parent readers to come in and hear the children read. If you are interested please ask your child’s teacher.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated and if you ever need to discuss anything or you have any queries do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

I would like to thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Claro and Miss McCormack

Contact the School

St Edmunds & St Thomas' Primary School

Oxford Road
L22 8QF

Main Contact: Mrs Sandra Toner Mrs Annie Hoban

Tel: 0151 928 5586
[email protected]

SEN Contact: Mrs Louise Cooke

SEN Email: [email protected]

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Attendance W/E 28/06/24
